This blog created for people who are willing to get additional income on spare time. Being freelance driver, freelance typist, freelance accounting etc. Join this community, we will keep your detail name and resume for freelance work request from parties in Jakarta. We will NOT charge any fee and this is work that is based on TRUST so we will really filter the freelancer that will be sent to requester.
Indo Freelance Work by Google
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
About Us
- No Social Security obligation
- No pension scheme to prepare
- No Medical Insurance to pay
- No THR or festive allowance to pay
- Or other obligation as per law when hiring permanent staff
The idea of this community as simple as How Cellular Operator outsourced their BTS, or PT Telkom outsource their Customer service. This Community is to provide many professional people who wants to use their spare time at night or weekend to earn money for themselves or for their families.
These few days, my friend asking me favors of my time to get advice about Tax. I have the experiences and the knowledge to give her my opinion. She promised me to pay fee for my time. Instead of going to tax consultant with expensive professional fee, she look forward to my opinion based on my field experiences. I dont spent much time, I didnot spend money for travel or other cost, she will transfer me certain amount of money.
So, if members get a job, they have to report to the community to share with the other members with certain agreement of sharing with the other members - who gets the job but not efficient enough to execute themselves due to location or due to not their expertise-
Weekend Freelance Work
- Part time teacher for Bimbingan Belajar, or Learn Alquran.
- Guru paruh waktu untuk Bimbingan Belajar atau Belajar Alquran atau guru private
- Graphic Designer from home for marketing flyers.
- Design Graphis dari rumah untuk selebaran marketing
- Accounting Service for small company or small business to assist small businesses understand their business profitability.
- Service Akuntansi untuk perusahaan kecil atau bisnis kecil, membantu mengerti tentang kesehatan usaha mereka
- Short Tax course for many new tax payers with NPWP.
- Kursus singkat perpajakan untuk banyak wajib pajak baru yang ber-NPWP
- Etc / Dan Lain lain
Join us here, submit your name, whats your expertise, how long have you been doing your expertise, where do you work currently, your address
Bergabung disini bersama kami, kirim nama, keahlian, berapa lama menggeluti bidang tersebut, dimana saat ini anda bekerja, alamat.
We will launch soon our vision and mission and how this will benefit us to generate additional income.
Kami akan segera meluncurkan visi dan misi kami dan bagaimana komunitas ini akan menguntungkan untuk kita memperoleh penghasilan tambahan.